IT Department

Head Of Department


Hod Message

Information Technology Department, at the pace with which it is changing in the 21st century, demands a mix of creative and innovative skill sets for an Engineer to be successful. Even those of us not in explicitly creative fields must come up with new ideas and insights in order to move ahead. Creativity has been pegged to conducive environments, perfect collaborators and even spiritual muses.

The job of teachers as such becomes much more demanding as the job seems to be thankless. Nevertheless, the demand for Creative and Innovative engineers is unending and so promoting creativity is the need of the hour as creative minds lead to innovative ideas. One such step to harness and promote the creativity aspect of students is participated in “project development", the departmental magazine, which offers a platform for students to express and showcase their talent in various technical and non-technical domains.

I congratulate the students of the Department who overwhelmingly responded to this idea with contributions in various fields. Not to mention the efforts put in by the Editorial board of the magazine along with Prof. S.B.Puri who made the magazine reality.

All the very best and keep up the good work!